Mock Trial on Human Rights 2021-2022

The International Mock Trial on Human Rights - Syllabus

Note: the following is only a partial list of speakers and subjects they covered, taken from the training of the student-litigators of the “Mock Trial on Human Rights 2022.”

The list will be updated from time to time as the ongoing program continues.

23 February, 2022

Prof. Paul Weindling, Research Professor on History of Medicine, Oxford Brooks University

“The Nuremberg Doctors’ Trial and its legacy”

Prof. Sheldon Rubenfeld, founder and head, Medicine after the Holocaust:

“The importance of raising the awareness of medical students and doctors to the medical crimes perpetrated under National Socialism”

9 March, 2022

Dr. Tracey Petersen, Manager, United Nations Holocaust Education Outreach Programme:

“The activity of the Holocaust and the United Nations Outreach Programme towards Memory, Dignity and Justice”

23 March, 2022

Judge Christoph Flügge, International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (Ret.):

“Judging Genocide”

Prof. Dainius Puras, former United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Right to Health:

“Human Rights and Mental Health Today”

6 April, 2022

Prof. Hon. Justice Angelika Nussberger, former Deputy President of the European Court on Human Rights:

The European Convention on Human Rights and the European Court on Human Rights”

4 May, 2022

Prof. Payam Akhavan, Permanent court of Arbitration, Hague, former advisor to the International Criminal Court at the Hague, the ICTY, the ICTR and the ECHR:

Litigating at the ICC in international criminal trials, prosecuting Genocide and Crimes against Humanity”