“Shaming” on the net: the responsibility of us all !!!

The “Screen Generation and Human Dignity Conference” was attended by about 450 youths, of whom 120 were selected from the Haifa district, from the youth movements and from the city’s youth councils. Haifa is the leading and most dominant district of the national “elected” program. for full article click here >>

Israeli students will judge a Nazi scientist

Instead, Rudin was rehabilitated after the war and died peacefully in 1952. Now, for the first time, Ernst Rudin is to be put on trial, thanks to an energetic Israeli lawyer, Avi Omer, and a team of international legal experts. But the prosecutors and defenders of Rudin will be teenagers, many of whom are studying […]

The students preparing to put a Nazi eugenicist on trial

Ernst Rudin could be said to be the father of Nazi ideology. The German-based psychiatrist and neurologist was a proponent of “eugenics”, or racial “hygiene”. But despite Rudin’s advocacy of racial purity — support which led to the murder of thousands of so-called “genetic defectives”, and thereafter to the murder of Jews — he never […]